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Liceo delle Scienze Umane Albertina Sanvitale


Our school Liceo “Albertina Sanvitale” dates back to 7 January 1861, just before the proclamation of the Reign of Italy, when a High School for girls (Scuola Normale femminile) was opened in Parma. The school aimed at educating the future teachers (maestre) and the whole country. Professor G. Adorni, headmaster of the school, addressed  to the girls and urged:

“It is not enough to attend the different school subjects, it is necessary you learn them as long as you teach them adequately and put into practice those virtues your disciples should be educated at. You will house the patience, the understanding, the love and the pity without whom it is better to give up the task of the educator, since his/her work would be, if not bad, at least sterile and fruitless.”

Since then the school has undergone many transformations, following reforms and experimentations, and so far has become a new “Liceo” house to 1200 male and female students.

Today our Liceo delle Scienze Umane “A. Sanvitale”(Liceo of Human Sciences) has two main  high secondary school courses: the “Liceo delle Scienze Umane” (LSU) and the “Liceo Economico-Sociale” (LES). Both profiles promote the student's education to an active and critical citizenship, and the development of skills that allow the full acquisition of the ability to act as responsible citizens, through a school curriculum that focuses on the personal development  of the student.

The High School of Human Sciences (LSU) provides theoretical, cultural and methodological skills related to educational and training processes, social relations and the building up of personal identity, with particular reference to places of education, care services, intercultural processes, and communication methods.The Social Economic High School (LES) provides theoretical, cultural and methodological skills related to the interpretation of social and relational phenomena, with particular reference to economic, legal and political-institutional systems, to forms of organization, to coexistence and developing citizenship. The study of the socio-economic subject and of two foreign languages opens up to the European and international dimension and to the complex dynamics of contemporary society.

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